The art of seduction

The art of seduction is simple. It’s all in the eyes.

It’s important to recognize that there are two parts of the equation:
the seducer and the target. Many people can identify a proper target, some too easily. They move on quickly. That’s one strategy: a boilerplate of moves that seemingly have some success.

The other way is to invest. Choose wisely. Pick one person, and go for it.

I recommend the investment strategy — you’ll get much better ROI.

If you keep finding one person after another, your strategy will become cheap through perfection.

The line, “Where are you from?” does not work on me. Try it on someone else…

You know what works? Sincerity.

People can smell your bullshit from miles away, they just feel it. Maybe the illusory veil of positive intentions will last a while, but no one will be fooled for long. This is why the wide-net strategy doesn’t appeal to me.

Here’s my advice.

Find someone you like. Know exactly why you like them and tell them.

Again, it’s all in the eyes. Look at them. Notice where they are looking.

Are they engaged in conversation with no space to enter? (Move on, then).
Are they glancing around, looking for something interesting? (There’s a chance).
Are they dancing, eyes fixated forward? (Try to dance near them to see if you might have caught their eye).

The goal is to become the target of their seduction as well, to play the game along with them. This is not a one-sided pursuit, or else it ends with a winner and loser. Everyone wins here.

An example:
I couldn’t stop staring at this beautiful woman. She happened to be sitting next to someone I kinda knew. I also realized I was so captivated by her, given my inability to take my eyes off her during a gala. There was something about the way she looked off in the distance so thoughtfully and inquisitively. I had to talk to her, consulting my friends for cheesy jokes and pickup lines.

I mustered up the courage to talk to her, and I had an in because I remotely knew the name of the person she was sitting next to. I asked her about him.

I had the first ingredient: I knew exactly what attracted me to her. I had already characterized her as intelligent, curious, and intriguing.

The second ingredient is intention.

I wasn’t simply looking for a quick thing. I wanted to get to know her.

Once it is clear that the other person is somewhat interested and engaged in the conversation, go for it. Ask them out, and be clear.

I lucked out. She was new to the area, so I offered my expertise. “I’d love to show you around sometime.”

The third ingredient is the intro.

That’s what I’ve been leading up to. The first two parts are all done in your mind before you ever make the first move. If you have those two set, all you need is a better line than asking where someone is from.

God, even “you’re hot” makes me smile more than a lame attempt to get in a conversation with me if I can tell that your intention is just to sleep with me.

There will be times in which superficial intentions align, and both people are looking for a quick hookup.

Let me get back to the eyes for a bit. Eyes are the windows to the soul.

You can easily tell if someone is approachable based on where their eyes are wandering. Same goes with telling if someone is engaged, or even slightly nervous.

If they maintain eye contact and even laugh at your terrible jokes, chances are they are interested. You’ve succeeded. Now get their number, silly!

If they are avoidant, give short answers, fidget nervously… realize that your intentions do not line up with theirs, and give them some space.

They may even find your self-awareness to be attractive.

Until then, find someone else to set your eyes on. Choose wisely.
And shoot your shot.

What’s the worst that could happen?
